Exmouth Light Orchestra is a full symphony orchestra, based in Devon. Members come from all over Devon and we have some 'home-players' joining our weekly high quality live-stream rehearsals

Exmouth Light Orchestra

Latest News (updated 8 Feb)

Next rehearsal: Sat 15 February 10:30 am @ Littlemead Church, Roundhouse Lane, Exmouth

working on: Clog Dance, Make You Feel, Miss Saigon, My Fair Lady, Star Trek, Whiter Shade Of Pale

Future Dates

Sat 22 February no rehearsal - end of half-term

Sat 29 March spring term ends

Sat 26 April summer term starts

Sat 10 May important final rehearsal 10:30 am

Sat 17 May summer concert 7:30 pm @ Holy Trinity Church

then break until...

Sat 28 June summer term resumes

Sat 19 July summer term ends

Sat 20 September autumn term starts

Sat 1 November no rehearsal - end of half-term

Sat 6 December important final rehearsal 10:30 am

Sat 13 December Christmas Concert 3:00 pm @ Holy Trinity Church